CkString Delphi DLL Reference Documentation
Current Version: 10.1.2
The Chilkat string class.
var myObject: HCkString; begin myObject := CkString_Create(); // ... CkString_Dispose(myObject); end;
Creates an instance of the HCkString object and returns a handle (i.e. a Pointer). The handle is passed in the 1st argument for the functions listed on this page.
Objects created by calling CkString_Create must be freed by calling this method. A memory leak occurs if a handle is not disposed by calling this function.
The number of Arabic characters contained in this string.
The number of us-ascii characters contained in this string.
The number of Central European and Eastern European characters found in this string. These are characters specific to Polish, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Slovene, Croatian, Serbian (Latin script), Romanian and Albanian.
The number of Chinese characters contained in this string.
The number of Cyrillic characters contained in this string. The Cyrillic alphabet also called azbuka, from the old name of the first two letters) is actually a family of alphabets, subsets of which are used by certain East and South Slavic languages "” Belarusian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian, Rusyn, Serbian and Ukrainian"”as well as many other languages of the former Soviet Union, Asia and Eastern Europe.
The number of Greek characters contained in this string.
The number of Hebrew characters contained in this string.
The number of Japanese characters contained in this string.
The number of Korean characters contained in this string.
The number of Latin characters contained in this string. Latin characters include all major Western European languages, such as German, Spanish, French, Italian, Nordic languages, etc.
Note: This is the number of chars that are Latin characters that do not fall in the us-ascii range. In other words, the 8bit Latin chars.
The number of Thai characters contained in this string.
str: pbyte) stdcall;
The str is appended to end of this instance.
str: pbyte) stdcall;
Appends an ANSI string to the end of this instance. str should always be a null terminated ANSI string regardless of the Utf8 property setting.
c: Char) stdcall;
Appends a single ANSI character to the end of this instance.
Appends the current date/time to the end of this instance. The date/time is formatted according to the RFC822 standard, which is the typical format used in the "Date" header field of email. For example: "Fri, 27 Jul 2012 17:41:41 -0500"
str: pbyte;
charsetEncoding: pbyte) stdcall;
Appends a string of any character encoding to the end of this instance. Examples of charsetEncoding are: Shift_JIS, windows-1255, iso-8859-2, gb2312, etc. The str should point to a null-terminated string that uses the charset specified by charsetEncoding.
byteData: pbyte;
numBytes: LongWord) stdcall;
Converts the binary data to a hexidecimal string representation and appends to the end of this instance. The hex data is appended in 2-byte chunks with 16 bytes per line. For example:
6861 6C6C 6861 6C6C 6861 6C6C 6861 6C6C 6861 6C6C 6861 6C6C 6861 6C6C 6861 6C6C 6861 6C6C 6861 6C6C 6861 6C6C 6861 6C6Ctop
n: Integer) stdcall;
Appends the decimal string representation of an integer to the end of this instance.
For many Win32 Platform SDK functions, such as CreateFile, error information must be retrieved by using the Win32 functions GetLastError and FormatMessage. This method calls these Win32 functions to format the error and appends it to the string.
This method would only be used by Win32 applications that call Platform SDK functions.
str: pbyte;
numBytes: LongWord) stdcall;
Appends N bytes of character data to the end of this instance. If the Utf8 property is set to True, then str should point to characters in the utf-8 encoding, otherwise it should point to characters using the ANSI encoding. Note: numBytes is not necessarily the number of characters. It is the length, in bytes, of the string to be appended. This method exists to allow for non-null terminated strings to be appended.
wideStr: PWideChar;
numChars: Integer) stdcall;
Append N Unicode characters to the end of this instance. The wideStr points to the 2-byte per char Unicode string. The numChars is the number of Unicode characters to be appended (not the number of bytes).
numBytes: Integer;
encoding: pbyte) stdcall;
Appends numBytes random bytes to the end of this instance. Because arbitrary byte values in the range 0 to 255 do not necessarily represent valid characters, the bytes must be encoded to a string friendly representation such as hex, base64, etc. The encoding specifies the encoding to be used. Possible values are "hex", "base64", "quoted-printable", "asc", or "url".
strObj: HCkString) stdcall;
Appends the contents of strObj to the end of this instance.
unicode: PWideChar) stdcall;
Append a Unicode string to the CkString object.
str: pbyte) stdcall;
Appends a utf-8 string to the existing contents of this instance. str should always be a null terminated utf-8 string regardless of the Utf8 property setting.
charsetEncoding: pbyte) stdcall;
In-place base64 decodes the string and inteprets the results according to the character encoding specified.
charsetEncoding: PWideChar) stdcall;
The utf-16 version of base64Decode.
charsetEncoding: pbyte) stdcall;
In-place base64 encodes the string. Internally, the string is first converted to the character encoding specified and then base-64 encoded. Typical charsetEncoding values are "utf-8", "ANSI", "iso-8859-1", etc.
charsetEncoding: PWideChar) stdcall;
The utf-16 version of base64Encode.
substr: pbyte): wordbool; stdcall;
Return True if this string begins with substr (case sensitive), otherwise returns False.
strObj: HCkString): wordbool; stdcall;
Returns True if the string begins with the contents of strObj. Otherwise returns False. This method is case sensitive.
str: PWideChar): wordbool; stdcall;
The utf-16 version of beginsWith.
idx: Integer): Char; stdcall;
Returns the ANSI character at a specified index.The first character is at index 0.
idx: Integer): WideChar; stdcall;
Return the Nth character as a Unicode character.
ch: Char) stdcall;
Finds the first occurrence of ch and discards the characters at and following ch.
subStrObj: HCkString) stdcall;
Finds the first occurrence of a substring and chops it at that point. The result is that the substring and all subsequent characters are removed from the string.
Clears the string. The string contains 0 characters after calling this method.
Creates a copy of the string. As with any newly created Chilkat object instance returned by a Chilkat method, the returned CkString object must be deleted by the calling application.
Returns nil on failure
str: HCkString): Integer; stdcall;
Compare two strings. A return value = 0 means they are equal. Return value = 1 indicates that calling object is lexicographically less than argument. Return value = -1 indicates that calling object is lexicographically greater than argument.
substr: pbyte): wordbool; stdcall;
Returns True if the string contains the specified substring, otherwise returns False. The string comparison is case-sensitive.
substr: pbyte): wordbool; stdcall;
Same as containsSubstring except the matching is case insensitive.
substr: PWideChar): wordbool; stdcall;
The utf-16 version of containsSubstringNoCase.
substr: PWideChar): wordbool; stdcall;
The utf-16 version of containsSubstring.
ch: Char): Integer; stdcall;
Returns the number of occurrences of the specified ANSI char.
Decodes XML special characters. For example, < is converted to '<'
Converts the string to a double and returns the value.
ansiChar: Char;
startIndex: Integer) stdcall;
Eliminate all occurrences of a particular ANSI character.
Encodes XML special characters. For example, '<' is converted to <
substr: pbyte): wordbool; stdcall;
Returns True if the string ends with substr (case-sensitive). Otherwise returns False.
substrObj: HCkString): wordbool; stdcall;
Returns True if the string ends with the specified substring, otherwise returns False.
s: PWideChar): wordbool; stdcall;
The utf-16 version of endsWith.
Decodes any HTML entities found within the string, replacing them with the characters represented.
HTML encodes any characters that are special to HTML or cannot be represented by 7-bit us-ascii.
str: pbyte): wordbool; stdcall;
Returns True if the strings are equal, otherwise returns False. (case-sensitive)
str: pbyte): wordbool; stdcall;
Returns True if the strings are equal, otherwise returns False. (case-insensitive)
strObj: HCkString): wordbool; stdcall;
Returns True if the strings are equal, otherwise returns False (case-insensitive)
s: PWideChar): wordbool; stdcall;
The utf-16 version of equalsIgnoreCase.
strObj: HCkString): wordbool; stdcall;
Returns True if the strings are equal, otherwise returns False. (case-sensitive)
s: PWideChar): wordbool; stdcall;
The utf-16 version of the "equals" method.
idx: Integer): HCkString; stdcall;
Returns a new CkString object containing the Nth character. (Note, it does not contain the Nth byte, but the Nth character.) For languages such as Chinese, Japanese, etc. individual characters are represented by multiple or varying number of bytes.
Returns nil on failure
encoding: pbyte): pbyte; stdcall;
Returns the string as a null-terminated byte sequence in the character encoding specified by encoding. The encoding can be any encoding specified at the link below, except for charsets that contain 0 (null) bytes in individual character byte representations, such as utf-16, utf-32, etc.
Returns the number of characters in the string.
Returns the size, in bytes, of the ANSI encoding of the string.
Returns the size, in bytes, of the Unicode encoding of the string.
Returns the size, in bytes, of the utf-8 encoding of the string.
Returns the contents of this instance.
Returns the string as null-terminated ANSI.
Returns the string as null-terminated utf-8.
Return a pointer to memory containing the string in Unicode.
charsetEncoding: pbyte) stdcall;
Hex decodes a string and inteprets the bytes according to the character encoding specified.
charsetEncoding: PWideChar) stdcall;
The utf-16 version of hexDecode.
charsetEncoding: pbyte) stdcall;
Converts the string to the character encoding specified and replaces the string contents with the hex encoding of the character data.
charsetEncoding: PWideChar) stdcall;
The utf-16 version of hexEncode.
substr: pbyte): Integer; stdcall;
Returns the index of the first occurrence of a substring. Returns -1 if not found.
substrObj: HCkString): Integer; stdcall;
Returns the index of the first occurrence of a substring. Returns -1 if not found.
s: PWideChar): Integer; stdcall;
The utf-16 version of "indexOf".
Converts the string to an integer and returns the integer value.
Returns True if the string object is empty, otherwise returns False.
Returns the last ANSI character in the string.
path: pbyte;
charsetEncoding: pbyte): wordbool; stdcall;
Load the contents of a text file into the CkString object. The string is cleared before loading. The character encoding of the text file is specified by charsetEncoding. This method allows for text files in any charset to be loaded: utf-8, Unicode, Shift_JIS, iso-8859-1, etc.
Returns True for success, False for failure.
path: PWideChar;
charsetEncoding: PWideChar): wordbool; stdcall;
strPattern: pbyte): wordbool; stdcall;
Returns True if the string matches the strPattern, which may contain one or more asterisk wildcard characters. Returns False if the string does not match. This method is case-sensitive.
strPattern: pbyte): wordbool; stdcall;
Returns True if the string matches the strPattern, which may contain one or more asterisk wildcard characters. Returns False if the string does not match. This method is case-insensitive.
s: PWideChar): wordbool; stdcall;
The utf-16 version of matchesNoCase.
strPatternObj: HCkString): wordbool; stdcall;
Returns True if the string matches a pattern, otherwise returns False. The pattern may contain any number of wildcard '*' characters which represent 0 or more occurrences of any character. This method is case-sensitive.
s: PWideChar): wordbool; stdcall;
The utf-16 version of the "matches" method.
Minimizes the amount of memory consumed by this object. For example, consider the following: A CkString object is loaded with the contents of a text file. The "replaceAllOccurances" method is called, replacing longer substrings with shorter replacements. The actual string length will become shorter than the internal buffer space that is allocated. The minimizeMemory method will, if necessary, allocate a new internal buffer that is exactly the size needed to hold the current contents of the string, copy the string to the new internal buffer, and deallocate the old buffer.
Obfuscates the string. (The unobfuscate method can be called to reverse the obfuscation to restore the original string.)
The Chilkat string obfuscation algorithm works by taking the utf-8 bytes of the string, base64 encoding it, and then scrambling the letters of the base64 encoded string. It is deterministic in that the same string will always obfuscate to the same result. It is not a secure way of encrypting a string. It is only meant to be a simple means of transforming a string into something unintelligible.
str: pbyte) stdcall;
Prepends str to this instance.
s: PWideChar) stdcall;
The utf-16 version of the "prepend" method.
In-place decodes the string from punycode.
In-place encodes the string to punycode.
charsetEncoding: pbyte) stdcall;
Quoted-printable decodes the string and interprets the resulting character data according to the specified character encoding. The result is that the quoted-printable string is in-place decoded.
charset: PWideChar) stdcall;
The utf-16 version of the qpDecode method.
charsetEncoding: pbyte) stdcall;
Quoted-printable encodes the string. The string is first converted to the charset specified, and those bytes are QP-encoded. The contents of the string are replaced with the QP-encoded result.
charset: PWideChar) stdcall;
The utf-16 version of the qpEncode method.
substr: HCkString): Integer; stdcall;
Removes all occurrences of substr.
ch: Char) stdcall;
Removes all occurrences of a specific ANSI character from the string.
charStartPos: Integer;
numChars: Integer) stdcall;
Removes a chunk of characters specified by starting index and length.
beginDelim: pbyte;
endDelim: pbyte;
caseSensitive: wordbool) stdcall;
Remove all occurrences of strings delimited by beginDelim and endDelim. Also removes the delimiters.
substr: HCkString): wordbool; stdcall;
Removes the first occurrence of a substring.
findStrObj: HCkString;
replaceStrObj: HCkString): Integer; stdcall;
Replaces all occurrences of a substring with another. The replacement string is allowed to be empty or different in length.
findStr: pbyte;
replaceStr: pbyte): Integer; stdcall;
Replaces all occurrences of a substring with another substring. The replacement string is allowed to be empty or different in length.
pattern: PWideChar;
replacement: PWideChar): Integer; stdcall;
The utf-16 version of the replaceAllOccurances method.
findCh: Char;
replaceCh: Char) stdcall;
Replaces all occurrences of a specified ANSI character with another.
findStrObj: HCkString;
replaceStrObj: HCkString): wordbool; stdcall;
Replaces the first occurrence of a substring with another. The replacement string is allowed to be empty or different in length.
findStr: pbyte;
replaceStr: pbyte): wordbool; stdcall;
Replaces the first occurrence of a substring with another. The replacement string is allowed to be empty or different in length. (Chilkat is aware of the misspelling of the word "occurrence", but unfortunately it is too late to change..)
pattern: PWideChar;
replacement: PWideChar): wordbool; stdcall;
The utf-16 version of replaceFirstOccurrance. (Chilkat is aware of the misspelling of the word "occurrence", but unfortunately it is too late to change..)
path: pbyte;
charsetEncoding: pbyte): wordbool; stdcall;
Saves the string to a file using the character encoding specified by charsetEncoding. If a file of the same name exists, it is overwritten. For charsets such as "utf-8", "utf-16", or others that have a possible BOM/preamble, the preamble is output by default. To exclude the BOM/preamble, prepend "no-bom-" to the charset name. For example "no-bom-utf-8".
Returns True for success, False for failure.
path: PWideChar;
charset: PWideChar): wordbool; stdcall;
s: HCkString) stdcall;
Replaces the contents of the string with another.
str: pbyte) stdcall;
Clears the contents of this instance and appends str.
s: pbyte) stdcall;
Set the CkString object from an ANSI string.
unicode: PWideChar) stdcall;
Set the CkString object from a Unicode string.
s: pbyte) stdcall;
Set the string object from a utf-8 string.
n: Integer) stdcall;
Discards the last N characters.
delimiterChar: Char;
exceptDoubleQuoted: wordbool;
exceptEscaped: wordbool;
keepEmpty: wordbool): HCkStringArray; stdcall;
Splits a string into a collection of strings using a delimiter character. If exceptEscaped is True, then delimiter chars escaped with a backslash are ignored. If exceptDoubleQuoted is True, then delimiter chars inside quotes are ignored. If keepEmpty is False, then empty strings are excluded from being added to the returned CkStringArray object.
Returns nil on failure
delimiterChars: pbyte;
exceptDoubleQuoted: wordbool;
exceptEscaped: wordbool;
keepEmpty: wordbool): HCkStringArray; stdcall;
splitCharSet: PWideChar;
exceptDoubleQuoted: wordbool;
exceptEscaped: wordbool;
keepEmpty: wordbool): HCkStringArray; stdcall;
startCharIndex: Integer;
numChars: Integer): HCkString; stdcall;
Returns a substring specified by starting character position and number of characters. (The 1st char is at index 0.)
Returns nil on failure
Converts all line endings to CRLF.
Tokenizes a string. The string is split at whitespace characters, and any single punctuation character is returned as a separate token. For example, this string:
CkStringArray *CkString::tokenize(char *punctuation) const
is tokenized to
Returns nil on failure
Converts all line endings to bare-LF (Unix/Linux style line endings).
Converts the string to lowercase.
Converts the string to uppercase.
Trim SPACE and Tab characters from both ends of the string.
Trim SPACE, Tab, CR, and LF characters from both ends of the string.
Replaces all tabs, CR's, and LF's, with SPACE chars, and removes extra SPACE's so there are no occurrences of more than one SPACE char in a row.
Unobfuscates the string.
The Chilkat string obfuscation algorithm works by taking the utf-8 bytes of the string, base64 encoding it, and then scrambling the letters of the base64 encoded string. It is deterministic in that the same string will always obfuscate to the same result. It is not a secure way of encrypting a string. It is only meant to be a simple means of transforming a string into something unintelligible.
charsetEncoding: pbyte) stdcall;
URL decodes the string and interprets the resulting byte data in the specified charset encoding.
charsetEncoding: PWideChar) stdcall;
The utf-16 version of the urlDecode method.
charsetEncoding: pbyte) stdcall;
URL encodes the string. The string is first converted to the specified charset encoding, and those bytes are URL-encoded. The contents of the string are replaced with the URL-encoded result.
charsetEncoding: PWideChar) stdcall;
The utf-16 version of the urlEncode method.