Chilkat Perl Module for MAC OS X Install Instructions
1. Download
The download contains the following files:
license.txt Makefile.PL MANIFEST META.yml README lib/ lib/libchilkat.dylib
2. Decompress and Extract to any Directory
The gzip step may be skipped if the download was automatically uncompressed resulting in a .tar file on your local filesystem.
gzip -d chilkat-9.5.0-perl-5.10-macosx.tar.gz tar xvf chilkat-9.5.0-perl-5.10-macosx.tar
3. Verify your Perl Version
Make sure the version of Perl matches the version you downloaded (5.8, 5.10, 5.12, or 5.14).
Run the following command to verify the Perl version.
perl -version
4. Build
In the newly-created directory and type:
perl Makefile.PL make
5. Install
While still in the same directory, type:
make install
sudo make install
Make sure you have the appropriate permissions to install the module in your Perl 5 library directory.
Often, you'll need to be root.
5. Test
Run the Perl script to verify the Chilkat module is ready for use:
The script creates a few of the Chilkat objects and prints the version of each:
use chilkat(); $zip = new chilkat::CkZip(); print $zip->version() . "\r\n"; $imap = new chilkat::CkImap(); print $imap->version() . "\r\n"; $ftp = new chilkat::CkFtp2(); print $ftp->version() . "\r\n"; $mailman = new chilkat::CkMailMan(); print $mailman->version() . "\r\n"; $ssh = new chilkat::CkSsh(); print $ssh->version() . "\r\n"; $sftp = new chilkat::CkSFtp(); print $sftp->version() . "\r\n"; $rsa = new chilkat::CkRsa(); print $rsa->version() . "\r\n"; $http = new chilkat::CkHttp(); print $http->version() . "\r\n"; $crypt = new chilkat::CkCrypt2(); print $crypt->version() . "\r\n"; $xml = new chilkat::CkXml(); print $xml->version() . "\r\n"; $socket = new chilkat::CkSocket(); print $socket->version() . "\r\n"; $tar = new chilkat::CkTar(); print $tar->version() . "\r\n";